Saturday, January 26, 2013

Partying for P7 Results

I have had very little sleep the last few days and I will have very little for the next few but as my dad always says: you can sleep in heaven!

Let me share with you my experiences this last week, and yes, they were QUITE the experiences.  On Monday we found out the P7 results on their final test called PLE.  The results are a big deal because they show how good your school is and they determine if your P7 students can go to secondary school.

Sylvia was super nervous but we found out what they were and…they were all good! They were the best grades that the school has ever had.  Of course that caused some major praising…

That night we had worship team practice and the whole worship team caught on with the excitement. We sang and danced a little more than normal, which means we were gettin’ down.  At one point we ran in a line around the church singing and shouting on the top of our lungs. Never in my life have I experienced that at an American church.  Jesus really does fill you with joy, and when you get it, sometimes you just explode!

The next day I came and little to my knowledge, they were planning a party to celebrate the good grades.  A few things about that day were…different.  First of all let’s talk about goats.  There is a plentiful supply of them in Uganda.  Well, on this day they decided to go all out so they got a goat for the party.  They bring a big goat and it is obvi scared, I mean I would be too if I were that goat.  So I ask, “Who is gonna slaughter it?” Then they point to one of the deacons. 

Well anywho I preferred not to see them slaughter it so I stayed away from that area for a while.  Then, minding my own business, I walked past it.  The goat. Poor thing.  The throat was slit and they were cutting off the skin and fat.  Ew.  Sorry for any vegetarians out there- disregard this part!

As that was happening, I got summoned to go with the P7 students around Mutungo on a truck.  They painted the results on a big sheet and hung it on the truck so we could show people and attract more people to the school.  

We boarded the back of the truck, blasted music, and rode around Mutungo shouting. It was. So. Fun.  If we did that in the U.S. , the po-po would catch ya.  Oh the thrills of living overseas…

We returned to school and the goat had turned into multiple shishkabobs.  We started the celebration, and at the end we all ate goat.  I thought I would have a hard time eating it after I saw it slaughtered, but call me crazy, I ate it and it was delish.

                 Roasting the Goat(I thought it would be better                       to not take a picture of the actual goat....)

                            P7 PLE Results

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! so glad you too are "getting an education" lol - so glad for you and for your school - love how I see God using and changing you. I know He is - how could you not be changed! Love you girl! Hugs! <3
